SaxaVord Launch Delayed Until Autumn

The highly anticipated first launch from the UK’s spaceport at SaxaVord has been pushed back from August to September or early October. The decision comes as the final preparations for the historic event continue.

The delay has been attributed to a combination of factors, including the complex nature of space launch operations and the need to ensure all systems are functioning optimally. While disappointing for those eagerly awaiting the UK’s inaugural space launch, the decision emphasizes the importance of prioritizing safety and success.

Deputy chief executive Scott Hammond said the space port was expecting to receive the last of the licences from the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) in September.

Spaceport chief executive Frank Strang said delays were inevitable as everything is being done for the first time.

“Delays will be down to paperwork and process which is inevitable, but everyone is working together.. The regulator is both agnostic and supportive and I believe, like Scott said, the licence will be awarded in September [with a] launch as soon as possible after that.”

The spaceport, located on the northernmost tip of Scotland, has been the subject of significant investment and anticipation as the UK seeks to establish itself as a key player in the global space industry. The upcoming launch is expected to be a major milestone for the nation.

As the countdown continues, the spaceport team and its partners are working diligently to finalize preparations and ensure that the first launch from UK soil will be a resounding success.


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