PLD Space Opens Door To Space With Free Flights On Maiden Miura 5 Launches

In a move designed to democratize space access and foster innovation, PLD Space, the Spanish rocket company, is offering free flights for satellites aboard the first two missions of its new Miura 5 rocket. This ambitious program, dubbed the PLD Space SPARK Programme, opens doors for universities, research institutions, and private companies worldwide.

PLD Space's Miura 5 is a two-stage launcher designed to deliver payloads of up to 450 kilograms (992 pounds) to low Earth orbit. The company successfully launched its suborbital Miura 1 rocket in October 2023 and is now gearing up for the inaugural flight of the Miura 5, a significant leap in its launch capabilities.

The SPARK Programme throws open the gates for participation in these pathfinder missions. Selected proposals will receive standard launch services at no cost, allowing them to piggyback on the maiden voyages of the Miura 5. These launches are currently scheduled for late 2025 and early 2026.

"At PLD Space, we have an unwavering commitment to encouraging society's engagement with the space industry," said Raúl Verdú, Head of Business Development and co-founder at PLD Space. "The first Miura 5 test flights offer a unique opportunity for students, researchers, and companies to test their innovations in the challenging environment of space."

This program presents a golden opportunity for a wide range of players. Universities can conduct groundbreaking experiments in space, while startups can validate their space-based technologies. Established companies can leverage the free launch to test new satellite components or deploy small scientific instruments.

The application window for the PLD Space SPARK Programme closes on July 30th, 2024. Proposals will be evaluated based on their scientific merit, technical feasibility, and potential contribution to space exploration. Winners will be announced by the end of November 2024.

PLD Space's initiative is a significant development for the space industry. By offering free flights, the company is fostering a more inclusive environment and accelerating the pace of space exploration. The knowledge gained from these initial Miura 5 missions will pave the way for future space endeavors, both for PLD Space and the lucky participants in the SPARK Programme.

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