NASA Selects 8 Companies For Commercial SmallSat Services

NASA has announced the selection of eight companies to provide commercial small satellite services as part of its Commercial SmallSat Rideshare Services (CSRS) initiative. The initiative aims to leverage the capabilities of commercial space providers to support NASA’s scientific and exploration missions.

The selected companies will provide a range of services, including launch opportunities, satellite integration, and mission operations. These services will enable NASA to launch smaller payloads more frequently and at a lower cost, expanding the agency’s ability to conduct scientific research and explore the solar system.

The eight companies selected for the CSRS initiative are BlackSky, Iceye US, MDA, Pixxel, Planet, Satellogic, Teledyne Brown Engineering, and

“Being selected for this NASA contract is a monumental achievement for Pixxel and further validates that hyperspectral imaging will be integral to the future of space-based Earth observation and enable us to truly build a health monitor for the planet,” said Awais Ahmed, co-founder and CEO of Pixxel. “We are deeply honored to support NASA’s Earth Observation initiatives and demonstrate the transformative potential of Pixxel’s hyperspectral technology in addressing critical environmental challenges.”

The CSRS initiative is expected to have a significant impact on the commercial space industry, driving innovation and creating new opportunities for businesses. By partnering with commercial providers, NASA is also helping to foster a sustainable space economy.

The selected companies will now begin working with NASA to develop specific service offerings and pricing models.


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