China Gears Up For Maiden Launch Of Powerful New Long March 12 Rocket

China is on the cusp of a significant leap in its space launch capabilities with the imminent maiden flight of the Long March 12 rocket. This new addition to the Long March family promises greater flexibility and payload capacity, bolstering China's ambitions in space exploration and commercial satellite launches.

Developed by the Shanghai Academy of Spaceflight Technology (SAST), the Long March 12 is a two-stage, kerosene-fueled launch vehicle. With a diameter of 3.8 meters – wider than most existing Chinese rockets – the Long March 12 boasts an impressive payload capacity. It can carry roughly 10,000 kilograms (22,040 pounds) to low Earth orbit (LEO) and 6,000 kilograms (13,200 pounds) to a sun-synchronous orbit (SSO), ideal for Earth observation satellites.

On 26 February 2024, the China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation (CASC) released its annual "Blue Book" which detailed the company's launch plans for the coming year; one of the projects revealed in the Blue Book is the new Long March 12 medium-lift rocket. Long March 12 (CZ-12) is designed as a two-stage rocket: its first stage will be powered by four YF-100K 1250 KN engines using RP-1 and liquid oxygen while its second stage will be powered by two YF-115 180 kN engines also using RP-1/LOX. The rocket offers two payload fairing choices, one with a diameter of 5.2 metres and another with a diameter of 4.2 metres

The maiden launch is expected to take place as early as August from the new commercial space launch center in Wenchang, Hainan Island. This launch site, specifically designed for the Long March 12, signifies China's growing focus on commercial space endeavors.

"The Long March 12 will be a game-changer for China's launch capabilities," said Wang Long, a space analyst at the Beijing Institute of Technology. "Its ability to handle heavier payloads at a competitive cost will make it attractive for both domestic and international satellite operators."

The success of the Long March 12's maiden flight will be a major milestone for China's space program. This new rocket is expected to play a crucial role in fulfilling China's plans for a robust space station, lunar exploration missions, and a burgeoning commercial space industry.

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