Kratos Demonstrates Satellite Internet Tech For U.S. Army

The U.S. Army is taking a leap towards modernizing its battlefield communications with a successful demonstration of satellite internet technology by Kratos Defense & Security Solutions.

Kratos completed the demonstration on April 4th, showcasing their OpenSpace Platform, a software-defined alternative to traditional ground stations. This virtualized system offers a more streamlined and potentially more secure approach to controlling satellite constellations.

The demonstration focused on beaming internet down from low Earth orbit satellites directly to antennas carried by soldiers. This eliminates the need for bulky equipment and simplifies the process of accessing critical data and communication channels.

"The Army is looking for ways to tap into commercial capabilities rather than having to build its own bespoke space networks," said an article in SpaceNews . Kratos' solution leverages existing commercial satellite infrastructure, potentially offering a cost-effective way to improve connectivity for troops.

The success of this demonstration is part of a broader effort by the Army's Program Executive Office for Command, Control, Communications Tactical (PEO C3T) to modernize its communication systems. Reliable and secure internet access is crucial for modern warfare, allowing soldiers to share information, receive updates, and utilize advanced weaponry.

Kratos' technology offers several advantages. The virtualized platform is adaptable and scalable, meaning it can accommodate a wider range of missions and future advancements in satellite technology. Additionally, the software-defined nature could potentially make the system more resistant to cyberattacks.

This demonstration marks a significant step towards a more connected battlefield for the U.S. Army. As the technology matures and integrates further with existing systems, soldiers can expect a more streamlined and reliable way to access information, ultimately enhancing their effectiveness on the ground.

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