Report Says FAA Should Improve Investigation Process

A recent report by the Government Accountability Office (GAO) found that the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has not effectively investigated the causes of launch mishaps since the beginning of the century. The GAO found that the FAA has let launch providers conduct their own investigations in nearly every instance that a launch mishap has occurred. This practice has allowed launch providers to control the information that is released about the mishaps and has made it difficult for the FAA to identify systemic safety problems.

The GAO recommended that the FAA develop criteria for determining when the agency will authorize a launch operator to lead a mishap investigation on the agency's behalf and that the FAA comprehensively evaluate the effectiveness of its mishap investigation process. The FAA agreed with the GAO's recommendations.

The FAA's current method of investigating launch mishaps is flawed because it allows launch providers to have a conflict of interest. Launch providers have a financial incentive to downplay the severity of mishaps and to avoid identifying systemic safety problems. This can lead to the FAA making decisions that reduce safety in order to maintain the competitiveness of the U.S. launch industry.

The FAA should adopt a more independent and transparent approach to investigating launch mishaps. This could include creating a special investigative unit within the FAA that is responsible for conducting all launch mishap investigations. The unit should be staffed with independent investigators who have no ties to the launch industry. The unit should also be required to make its findings public in a timely manner.

In addition to improving its investigation process, the FAA should also take steps to reduce the likelihood of launch mishaps in the first place. This could include developing stricter safety standards for launch providers and conducting more rigorous oversight of launch operations.

The FAA's current approach to investigating launch mishaps is putting the safety of the public at risk. The agency must take immediate steps to improve its investigation process and to reduce the likelihood of launch mishaps.


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