SpaceX Sets December 28 Launch Date For US Military's X-37B Space Plane

SpaceX has set a new launch date for the US military's X-37B space plane, with the secretive spacecraft now scheduled to lift off from Florida on December 28th. The launch, which will utilize SpaceX's powerful Falcon Heavy rocket, will mark the seventh mission for the X-37B, a reusable robotic vehicle that has been used by the military for a variety of classified purposes.

Originally, the launch was scheduled for December 11th, but it was scrubbed due to a ground equipment issue. SpaceX has since conducted additional system checks and is now confident that the rocket and spacecraft are ready for flight.

The X-37B is a high-altitude unmanned vehicle that can operate in both orbit and on re-entry. It is designed to test new technologies and capabilities for the US military, and its exact mission details are classified. However, it is believed to be capable of performing a variety of tasks, including reconnaissance, surveillance, and experimentation with new propulsion systems.

The X-37B has a long flight duration, with its previous missions lasting between 273 and 781 days. The length of its seventh mission has not yet been announced, but it is expected to be several months long.

The launch of the X-37B is a significant event for the US military and for SpaceX. It is a demonstration of the US's advanced aerospace capabilities, and it also shows the growing partnership between SpaceX and the military.


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