Startical Takes Flight: Orders Test Satellites For Space-Based Air Traffic Management

Startical, a joint venture between Spanish defense contractor Indra and air navigation service provider ENAIRE, is taking a giant leap forward in revolutionizing air traffic management. The company has announced the order of two test satellites, paving the way for a constellation of over 270 spacecraft designed to provide global air traffic surveillance and communication services.

This announcement marks a significant milestone in the development of Startical's ambitious project. The two test satellites, one from Kongsberg NanoAvionics and another from GOMspace, will be launched in early 2025. "These initial satellites will allow us to test the performance of our Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast (ADS-B) receiver and Very High Frequency (VHF) radio system," said a spokesperson for Startical.

Startical's proposed constellation aims to address current limitations in air traffic management, particularly over vast oceanic and remote regions. "Our system will provide continuous and reliable surveillance and communication coverage, enhancing safety and efficiency for air travel across the globe," the spokesperson added.

The chosen test satellites represent a diverse range of capabilities. The 20-kilogram GOMspace microsatellite will focus on testing the ADS-B receiver, a critical technology for tracking aircraft positions. The larger, 110-kilogram Kongsberg NanoAvionics satellite will test the VHF radio system, ensuring clear communication between pilots and air traffic controllers.

This project aligns perfectly with the International Telecommunication Union's (ITU) recent approval for the use of the aeronautical communications band from space. "This approval is a major boost for Startical and the future of space-based air traffic management," said J. Enrique González Laguna, CEO of Startical.

The success of these test satellites will be crucial for Startical's long-term vision. Positive results would pave the way for the full constellation deployment, potentially transforming air traffic management on a global scale. With improved safety, efficiency, and wider coverage, Startical's space-based solution has the potential to revolutionize the way we navigate the skies.

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