Turkey Seeks To Establish Ballistic Missile Test Range & Spaceport in Somalia

Turkey is reportedly seeking to establish a ballistic missile test range and a spaceport in Somalia, according to diplomatic sources. The ambitious plan would solidify Turkey's growing influence in the Horn of Africa and enhance its military and technological capabilities.

A Turkish source familiar with the government’s plan told the Middle East Eye in February 2021 that Turkey plans to build a spaceport in Somalia as part of a $1 billion plan to achieve a soft moon landing by 2028. The building and maintenance of such a port would cost around $350 million.

While the details of the proposed project remain confidential, it is believed that Turkey envisions a comprehensive facility that could be used to develop and test various types of ballistic missiles, as well as launch satellites and other spacecraft. Such a facility would provide Turkey with a strategic advantage and bolster its national security.

The potential establishment of a ballistic missile test range and spaceport in Somalia would also align with Turkey's broader ambitions in Africa. Turkey has been actively expanding its diplomatic and economic ties with African countries, seeking to strengthen its influence on the continent.

Hussein Sheikh-Ali, the national security adviser to Somalia’s President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud, also declined to comment by phone. Abdi Ahmed Koshin, chairman of Somalia’s parliamentary sub-committee on defence, said he was unaware of any such agreement with Turkey.

Turkey has been steadily working to extend the range of its domestically-produced Tayfun missiles, which President Erdogan revealed in 2022 had a range of about 560 kilometres (350 miles). A potential missile launch site in Somalia would eliminate the risks associated with debris falling over residential areas or neighbouring countries.

Turkey is one of the few foreign nations deepening ties with Somalia as the country seeks to rebuild after years of conflict. Over the past decade, Turkey has increased its presence through defence cooperation, infrastructure projects, and plans for hydrocarbon exploration. It's also involved in mediating between Somalia’s government and Somaliland, a semi-autonomous region.

However, the proposed project is likely to face challenges. Some observers have raised concerns about the potential for such a facility to be used for destabilizing activities or to pose a threat to regional security. Additionally, there may be logistical and technical hurdles to overcome in establishing such a complex infrastructure in Somalia.

Despite these challenges, Turkey appears determined to pursue its plans to establish a ballistic missile test range and spaceport in Somalia. The project could significantly enhance Turkey's military and technological capabilities, while also solidifying its position as a major player in the Horn of Africa.

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